Chat with your
children on KakaoTalk
Chat with your
children on KakaoTalk
Group chat with family and friends Free chat anytime, anywhere -
Images and Emoticons Easy chat beyond
text messages
Group chat with
family and friendsFree chat anytime, anywhere -
Images and Emoticons Easy chat beyond
text messages
Special features in
Kakaotalk for kids phone
Special features
in Kakaotalk
for kids phone
It blocks invitations
from strangers.Only mutual friends
appear on friend list. -
Guardians can monitor
children’s KakaoTalk friend list.
It blocks links and videos,
and filters swear words. -
Sharing images
can be restricted.
It blocks invitations
from strangers.Only mutual friends
appear on friend list. -
Guardians can monitor
children’s KakaoTalk
friend list.
It blocks links and videos,
and filters swear words. -
Sharing images
can be restricted.
Contact for questions
Contact for
Break Time 12:00 ~ 13:00